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Dr. Kazi Ahsan Habib

Professor and Chairman

Contact Info:

Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics
Faculty of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Science

E-mail: habibka@sau.edu.bd, ahsan_sau@yahoo.com
Blood Group: A+



Google Scholar



Dr. Kazi Ahsan Habib is a Professor and Chairman of the Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics at the Faculty of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Science in Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU), Dhaka, Bangladesh. He also served as the Dean of the Faculty. He is the director of Aquatic Bioresource Research Lab. (ABR Lab) at SAU.

His research interests include marine biodiversity, DNA taxonomy, population genomics, phylogeography, and conservation biology of aquatic organisms. He has been engaged in the execution of several national and international scientific programs and research projects including Census of Marine Life of Saint Martin’s Island, Aquatic Biodiversity Assessment of Sundarbans, Cataloging coastal Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh through DNA Barcoding, DNA Taxonomy, and Recruitment Monitoring of Reef Organisms of St. Martin’s Island, Conservation Genetics of Shark and Rays of Bangladesh, Saw Fish Monitoring and Conservation in Bangladesh, Bay of Bengal Ocean Literacy Movement in Bangladesh.

He was involved as an expert in Ecosystem Boundary Delineation of Saint Martin’s Island of Bangladesh project of IUCN supported by the BOBLME project. He also served as the expert member of the national technical committee of ‘Nujhum Dwip’ marine protected area (MPA) formed by the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock of Bangladesh Government. As a part of marine extension activities, Prof. Habib published several booklets and guides for fishermen, primary school students, academia and related stakeholders such as ‘Bay of Bengal Literacy: Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts’ (in Bangla & English), ‘Best Practices to Release Sawfish from Nets and Hooks into the Sea’ (in Bangla) etc.

Prof. Habib has published over 50 research articles in different peer-reviewed national and international journals besides a number of scientific popular articles. He is also the author of four textbooks and three scientific books. He serves as an editorial board member of several national and international scientific journals. He attended and presented his research works and delivered keynote speeches in a number of national and international conferences and symposia both at home and abroad. He is also involved with different professional societies including Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (BFRF), Krishibid (Agriculturist) Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Bangladesh Barcode of Life (BdBOL) network, Bay of Bengal Ocean Literacy Network, Oceanographic Society Bangladesh (OSB).

Prof. Habib graduated and received B.Sc. Fisheries and M.S. in Aquaculture from Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), and obtained Ph.D. in Marine Biology at the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) under the University of Science and Technology (UST), South Korea.

He is the eldest son of Mrs. Hasina Azad and Late Prof. Dr. Azad F. M. Sharfuddin, Former Head, Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. He is the grandson of Late Kazi Abdul Bari (BA English, DU), Retd. Additional Director of Public Instruction, Bangladesh; and Late Momtaz Uddin Ahamed (BA Political Science, DU), Retd. Settlement Officer, Ministry of Land, Bangladesh.

Research Interest: Marine Biodiversity & Conservation; DNA Barcoding, Metabarcoding & DNA Taxonomy of Aquatic Lives; Marine Population & Conservation Genomics; Marine Molecular Evolution & Phylogeography; Marine Molecular Ecology; Aquaculture Biology; Climate Change Biology of Marine Organisms. 

Personal profile: http://www.sau.edu.bd/teacher/313; https://www.facebook.com/habibkaziahsan  

Degree Name Subject/Specialization Institute Passing Year Country
Postdoc Marine Biodiversity and Conservation Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) 2012 South Korea
PhD Marine Biology KIOST, University of Science & Technology (UST) 2011 South Korea
MS Aquaculture Bangladesh Agricultural University 2002 Bangladesh
B. Sc. Fisheries Science Bangladesh Agricultural University 1998 Bangladesh
Title Organization Location From To
Dean Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, (SAU) Dhaka, Bangladesh 2024 Date
Professor (2nd Grade) Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU) Dhaka, Bangladesh 2019 Date
Dean Faculty of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Science, (SAU) Dhaka, Bangladesh 2019 2021
Chairman Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, (SAU) Dhaka, Bangladesh 2017 Date
Professor Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU) Dhaka, Bangladesh 2015 Date
Chairman Department of Fisheries, (SAU) Dhaka, Bangladesh 2012 2014
Associate Professor Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU) Dhaka, Bangladesh 2011 2015
Assistant Professor Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU) Dhaka, Bangladesh 2006 2011
Lecturer Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU) Dhaka, Bangladesh 2003 2006
Sl Journal Article Year Type Link
1 Laboni T.A., M.S. Khatun, O. Rahman, M.S. Sarmin, Y.A. Ratry, MM Uddin, T.R. Likhon, & K.A. Habib. 2024. First report on population parameters of Bengal tongue sole (Cynoglossus cynoglossus): Suggestion for optimum catchable length in the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Aquatic Resource Sciences, 01, 01-11. 2024 Journal Article Link
2 Hannan M.A., M. B. Munir, M. Jamy, K.A. Habib, M. J. Hasan, R. Asdari, S. Nondi, E-S. H. Eissa and M.E.H. Eissa. 2024. Natural breeding performance in different saline water pens, crablets rearing and cannibalism in juvenile phase of mangrove mud crab (Scylla olivacea) in earthen mangrove pens. Desalination and Water Treatment 319 (2024) 100500. 2024 Journal Article Link
3 Rashed M., M.J. Islam, M.R. Parvej, M.A. Al-Mamun and K.A. Habib, Sarkar S., 2023. First record of the one stick sting fish Minous coccineus Alcock, 1890 from the continental shelf of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Fish. 34(2): 219-225 2023 Journal Article Link
4 Habib K.A., S. Akter, M.J. Islam, S. Sarker, P.S. Brishti, M.B. Billah and M.A. Hannan. 2023. Genetic diversity, population structure and demographic history of orange mud crab Scylla Olivacea from the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh and adjacent seas in the Northern Indian Ocean based on mitochondrial COI Gene Sequences. Journal of Science and Technology Research. 04 (1): 101-118. 2023 Journal Article Link
5 Habib K.A., M.J. Islam, M.N. Sakib, P.S. Brishti and A.K. Neogi. 2023. DNA barcoding of reef-associated fishes of Saint Martin’s Island, Northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Ecology and Evolution. 13(10):1-18. 2023 Journal Article Link
6 Habib K.A., K. Nam, Y. Xiao, J. Sathi, M.Z. Islam, S.K. Panhwar and S. Habib. 2022. Population structure, phylogeography and demographic history of Tenualosa ilisha populations in the Indian Ocean region inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence variation. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 54: 102478 2022 Journal Article Link
7 Sarmin M.S., M.A. Rahman, M.F. Parvin, M.S. Khatun, K.A. Habib, W. Sabbir, J. Ohtomi and M.Y. Hossain. 2022. Temporal Variation of Biometric Indices for Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture. 38 (5): 300-310. 2022 Journal Article Link
8 Saha S., M. Naznin, S. Sehrin, A. Sarker, K. A. Habib, M. M. Sarker, C. Li, M. A. Baki. 2022. First records of Epinephelus bleekeri and Epinephelus erythrurus and Molecular Confirmation of Diagramma pictum and Nemipterus japonicus from Bangladesh Waters. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences. 2022 Journal Article Link
9 Ilah N.-E-F., M.J. Abedin, M.A. Rahman, M.A.K. Azad, M.T. Khatun, M. Asadujjaman, M.A. Samad, K.A. Habib, M.N. Ali and M.S. Sarmin. 2022. Estimation of population structure, growth and condition of Lates calcarifer (bloch, 1790) in the Bay of Bengal. Pakistan Journal of Marine Sciences. 31(2):129-139. 2022 Journal Article Link
10 Wee A.K.S., S.G. SalmoIII, K. Sivakumar, A.Y.-H. Then, M. Basyuni, J. Fall, K.A. Habib, Y. Isowa, V. Leopardas, N. Peer, M.D. Artigas-Ramir, K. Ranawana, I. Sivaipram, M. Suleiman and T. Kajita. 2023. Prospects and challenges of environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding in mangrove restoration in Southeast Asia. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10:1033258. 2022 Journal Article Link
11 Hossain M. A., A. Islam, T. Akhter, M. A. Sadia, T. Akter and K. A. Habib. 2021/2022. Optimization of Planting Density of Indian Spinach in a Recirculating Aquaponics System Using Nile Tilapia. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series B: Biological Sciences (Accepted. Ref. No: PJSIR-10112-SE-2783). 2021 Journal Article Link
12 Sarkar. P., M. J. Islam, A. H. M. S. Habib, A. K. Neogi, K.A. Habib. 2021. Two New Records of Snapper (Perciformes, Lutjanidae) from Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh. Journal of Ocean University of China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Resreach), 20 (2): 439-444. 2021 Journal Article Link
13 Habib K. A., M. J. Islam, N. Nahar, A. K. Neiogi and T. H. Fraser. 2021. Three new records of cardinalfish (Apogonidiae) from the Northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Journal of Ichthyology. 61: 505-513. 2021 Journal Article Link
14 Habib K. A., M. J. Islam, N. Nahar, M. Rashed, A. K. Neiogi and B. Russel. 2021. Grunts (Haemulidae) of Bangladesh with Two New Distributional Records from The Northern Bay of Bengal Assessed by Morphometric Characters and DNA Barcoding. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria. 51(3): 299-309. 2021 Journal Article Link
15 Mawa Z, Hossain M. Y., Hasan M.R., Tanjin S., Rahman M. A., Sarmin M.S. and Habib K.A. 2021. First record on size at sexual maturity and optimum catchable length of 10 marine fishes from the Bay of Bengal (Bangladesh) through multi-models approach: a key for sound fisheries management. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28: 38117–38127 2021 Journal Article Link
16 Islam M. J., T. Siddiqueki, A. K. Neiogi, M. Y. Hossain. M. Hammer and K. A.Habib. 2021. Morphology and DNA barcode confirm three new records of gobies (Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from Bangladesh. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 8(2): 114-124. 2021 Journal Article Link
17 Habib K. A. and M. J. Islam. 2021. New distributional record of twelve scleractinian corals from saint martin’s island, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Zoology. 49 (1): 03-18. (Accepted) 2021 Journal Article Link
18 Habib K. A. and M. J. Islam. 2021. Description of a new species of giant guitarfish, Glaucostegus younholeei sp. nov. (Rhinopristiformes: Glaucostegidae) from the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Zootaxa. 2021 Journal Article Link
19 Brishti P.S., K. S. Sultana, M. J. Islam, S. Sarkar, M. B. Billah, K. A. Habib. 2021. Two new records of bivalve (Mollusca) from Sonadia Island. Journal of Fisheries. 9(2): 92203. 2021 Journal Article Link
20 Siddiqueki T., M. J. Islam. A. S. Habib, S. J. Hasan, M. L. Islam, Y. Mahmud and Habib K. A. 2021. First record of two marine fish species from the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries. 33(1): 129-136. 2021 Journal Article Link
21 Sultana K. S., P.S. Brishti, S. Ahmed, M. B. Billah and K. A. Habib. 2021. Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Several Neogastropod Species (Mollusca: Gastropoda) From Coastal Waters of Bangladesh With One New Record. Journal of Bio-Science, 29: 79–91. 2021 Journal Article Link
22 Habib K. A., A. K. Neiogi, M. Rahman, J. Oh, Y.-H. Lee and C.-G. Kim. 2021. DNA barcoding of brackish and marine water fishes and shellfishes of Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove ecosystem. PLoS ONE 16(8): e0255110. 2021 Journal Article Link
23 Habib K.A., Sarkar S., Islam M.J. 2021. New record of seven marine crabs from Saint Martin’s Island of the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Indo Pac J Ocean Life, 5: 41-49. 2021 Journal Article Link
24 Tanjin S., Md. A. Rahman, M. Uddin, B. K. Sarker, M. S. Sarmin, Z. Mawa, Md. A. Rahman, O. Rahman, M. A. Samad, K. A. Habib and Md. Y. Hossain. 2021. Estimation of condition factor of Bengal tongue sole (Cynoglossus Cynoglossus) in the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Pakistan Journal of Marine Sciences, 30(2): 127-133. 2021 Journal Article Link
25 Sharifuzzaman S.M., I. A. Rubby, K.A. Habib, S. Kimura, M. H. Rasid, M. J. Islam, A.K. Neogi, M. S. Hossain. 2021. Annotated checklist of ponyfishes (Perciformes: Leiognathidae) from Bangladesh, the northern Bay of Bengal. Journal of Fish Biology. 2021: 1–8. 2021 Journal Article Link
26 Rahman O., M.Y. Hossain, M. Ashekur Rahman, M.A. Islam, M. Ataur Rahman, M.F. Parvin, M.S. Sarmin, B.K. Sarker, W. Sabbir and K.A. Habib. 2021. Temporal variations of condition factor and relative weight for Mystus gulio (hamilton, 1822) from the coastal water in Bangladesh. Journal of Bio-Science, 29 (1): 111-122. 2021 Journal Article Link
27 Habib K. A., A. K. Neogi, N. Nahar, J. Oh, Y.-H. Lee and C.-G. Kim. 2020. An overview of fishes of the Sundarbans, Bangladesh and their present conservation status. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 12(1), 15154-15172. 2020 Journal Article Link
28 Islam M. T., M. F. Hossain, M. M. Rana, M. A. Sufian, M. G. Rabbane, M. G. Mustafa, M. A Kabir, K. A. Habib. 2020. Marketing Channel of the Freshwater Mud Eels in Northern Region of Bangladesh and Its Pre-Export Processing Activities. HSOA Journal of Aquaculture and Fisheries, 4 (1): 026. 2020 Journal Article Link
29 Hossain M. A., A. Islam, T. Akhter, M. A. Sadia, T. Akter and K. A. Habib. 2021/2022. Optimization of Planting Density of Indian Spinach in a Recirculating Aquaponics System Using Nile Tilapia. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series B: Biological Sciences (Accepted. Ref. No: PJSIR-10112-SE-2783) 2020 Journal Article Link
30 Islam M. T., M. F. Hossain, M. M. Rana, M. A. Sufian, M. G. Rabbane, M. G. Mustafa, M. A Kabir, K. A. Habib. 2020. Marketing Channel of the Freshwater Mud Eels in Northern Region of Bangladesh and Its Pre-Export Processing Activities. HSOA Journal of Aquaculture and Fisheries, 4 (1): 026. 2020 Journal Article Link
31 Islam M. J., & Habib K. A. 2020. Four New Records of Damselfish (Pomacentridae) From Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Zoology, 48(1): 57-66. 2020 Journal Article Link
32 Habib K. A., M. J. Islam, N. Nahar and A. K. Neogi. 2020. Pomacentrus bangladeshius, a new species of damselfish (Perciformes, Pomacentridae) from Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh. Zootaxa 4860 (3): 413–424. 2020 Journal Article Link
33 Habib K.A., Islam M.J., Neogi A.K., Nahar N., and Mishra, S.S. 2020. New records of two parrotfish (Perciformes: Scaridae) from Saint Martin’s Island of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. FishTaxa 17:32–38. 2020 Journal Article Link
34 Sabbir W., M. Y. Hossain, M. A. Rahman, M. R. Hasan, M. N. Khan, Z. Mawa, S. Tanjin, M. S. Sarmin, O. Rahman, A. Nima and K. A. Habib. 2020.Growth pattern of the Hooghly Croaker Panna heterolepis Trewavas, 1977 in the Bay of Bengal (Bangladesh) in relation to eco-climatic factors. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 24 (7): 847-862. 2020 Journal Article Link
35 Tanjin S., W. Sabbir, M. Y. Hossain, M. A. Rahman, Z. Mawa, M. R. Hasan, F. A. Rima, O. Rahman, M. S. Sarmin, B. K. Sarker and K. A. Habib. 2020. Morphometric and Meristic Features of Gangetic Hairfin Anchovy, Setipinna Phasa (Hamilton, 1822) in the Bay of Bengal (Bangladesh). JKAU: Mar. Sci., 30(2): 71-83. 2020 Journal Article Link
36 Saha S, Shamsunnahar, S. Sehrin, A. Sarker, K. A. Habib and M. A. Baki. 2020. First distributional record of sixteen coral associated fish species from saint martin’s island, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Zoology, 48(2): 263–288. 2020 Journal Article Link
37 Rahman M.A., Hossain M.Y., Tanjin S., Mawa Z., Hasan M. R., Habib K. A. and Ohtomi J. 2020. Length weight relationships of five marine fishes from the Bay of Bengal. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 37 (2): 364-366. 2020 Journal Article Link
38 M. J. Islam, S. Akter, P. Sarkar, M. Rashed, I. Parvin and K. A Habib. 2020. First record of roving coral grouper Plectropomus pessuliferus (Fowler, 1904) from Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh based on Morphology and DNA Barcoding. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries. 32(2): 293-301. 2020 Journal Article Link
39 Habib K. A. and M. J. Islam. 2020. An updated checklist of Marine Fishes of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries. 32(2): 357-367 2020 Journal Article Link
40 Uddin M.K. and K. A. Habib. 2019. Traditional Knowledge, Culture, and Biodiversity of Sundarban UNESCO World Heritage Site. Journal of Ocean and Culture 2: 75-86 2019 Journal Article Link
41 Saha S, S. Sehrin, A. A. Masud, K. A. Habib, A. Sarker and M. A. Baki. 2019. New records of the goatfish, Upeneus vittatus (Forsskal 1775) and Upeneus supravittatus (Uiblein and Heemstra 2010) (Preciformes, Mullidae), from Saint Martin's Island in the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh. 45(2): 161-173. 2019 Journal Article Link
42 Habib K. A., A. K. Neogi, J. Islam and N. Nahar. 2019. New geographical Record of the Blue-dashed Rockskipper, Blenniella periophthalmus (Valenciennes, 1836) from the Saint Martin’s Island of Bangladesh. Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources, 3(4): 00174 2019 Journal Article Link
43 Habib K. A., A. K. Neogi, J Oh, Y-H Lee and C-G. Kim. 2018. Chelonodontops bengalensis (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae): A New Species of Puffer Fish from the Northern Bay of Bengal Based on Morphology and DNA Barcode. Ocean Science Journal, 54 (1): 79-86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12601-018-0054-7 2018 Journal Article Link
44 Saha S., S. Chakraborty, S. Sehrin, A.A. Masud, K. A. Habib and M. A. Baki .2018. New records of two lutjanus species (Teleostei: Perciformes: Lutjanidae) with re-description of six lutjanids from Saint Martin’s Island of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal Zoology 46(2): 239-253. 2018 Journal Article Link
45 Rahman M. A., K. A. Habib, M. A. Hossain, S.M. O. Azad and M. Z. Rayhan. 2017. Impacts of stocking density and economic returns on the cage culture of stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 5(4): 198-201 2017 Journal Article Link
46 Islam M. K., K. A. Habib, M. E. Ahsan, M. M. Ali and S. K. Basak. 2016. Fish biodiversity at Sibsa River in South-Western Bangladesh: Status and Conservation Requirements. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 4 (1): 24-28. 2016 Journal Article Link
47 Islam M. K., A-N. S. Ahmad, M. S. R. Khan, M. E. Ahsan, K. A. Habib and M. M. Ali. 2016. Fishing gears used by the Fishers at Rupsha River in Khulna District, Bangladesh. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 4 (1): 29-33. 2016 Journal Article Link
48 Sultana S., M. N. Islam, K. A. Habib, M. A. R. Hossain and M. S. Alam. 2015. Population genetics of Stinging Catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) in Bangladesh analyzed by microsatellite DNA markers. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences, 7(1): 38-44. 2015 Journal Article Link
49 Habib K. A., D. Jeong, J-G. Myoung and Y-H Lee. 2015. Population panmixia and Pleistocene demographic expansion of spotty belly greenling Hexagrammos agrammus in the East Sea and Northwest Pacific. Ocean Science Journal, 50(2): 143-154. 2015 Journal Article Link
50 Habib K. A., M. N. Islam, S. Sultana and Y-H Lee. 2015. Genetic variation and population structure of spottybelly greenling (Hexagrammos agrammus) in Korean coasts analyzed by DNA markers emphasizing on microsatelites. International Journal of Aquatic Biology, 3 (3): 183-190 2015 Journal Article Link
51 Habib K. A., A. W. Newaz, M. Khan, M. N. Naser and A.M. Shahabuddin. 2015. Effects of stocking density on growth and production performance of cage reared high yielding Vietnamese stock of climbing perch, Anabas testudineus. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 11 (1): 19-28. 2015 Journal Article Link
52 Rahman M. A., M. N. Mondal, K. A. Habib, J. Shahin and M. G. Rabbane. 2015. Livelihood status of fishing community of Talma river in the northeren part of Bangladesh. American Journal of Life Sciences, 3 (5): 337-344. 2015 Journal Article Link
53 Hossain M. I., M. Khatun, B. M. M. Kamal, K. A. Habib, A. S. Tumpa, B. R. Subba and M. Y. Hossain. 2014. Effects of Seasonal variation on Growth Performance of Mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio Ver. specularis) in Earthen Nursery Ponds. Our Nature, 12(1): 8-18 2014 Journal Article Link
54 Habib K.A., J. Oh, S. Kim and Y-H. Lee. 2012. Divergence and gene flow between the East Sea and the Southeast Atlantic populations of North Pacific light fish Maurolicus japonicus Ishikawa. Genes and Genomics, 34 (6): 609-618 2012 Journal Article Link
55 Habib K.A., D. Jeong, J. G. Myoung, M. S. Kim, Y. S. Jang, J. S. Sim and Y. H. Lee. 2011. Population genetic structure and demographic history of the fat greenling Hexagramos otakii. Genes and Genomics, 33: 413-423. 2011 Journal Article Link
56 Ahamed, H, A. M. Shahabuddin, M. Z. F Ahmed, M. A. Wahab, and K.A. Habib, 2008. Polyculture of carps with small indigenous species (SIS) mola at Gazipur area of Bangladesh. Journal of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, 2(1): 37-45. 2008 Journal Article Link
57 Shahabuddin A. M., K. A. Habib, M. A. Affan, M. R. Ahmed and M.S. Yasmin, 2007. Nutrition requirements of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) cultured in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology, 5(2): 417-420. 2007 Journal Article Link
58 Habib K. A. and M. B. R. Chowdhury, M.A.R. Faruk, 2007. Recovery of fish parasitic fungi from diseased fishes. Progressive Agriculture, 18(1): 147-154. 2007 Journal Article Link
59 Rahman M. M., K. A. Habib and M. I. A. Bhuiyan, 2005. Fish mortality associated with euglenophytes bloom in a polyculture pond at Bangladesh Agricultural University campus. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology, 3(2): 205-208. 2005 Journal Article Link
60 Habib K. A., M. B. R. Chowdhury and M. A. R. Faruk, 2004. Growth performances of some fish parasitic fungi at different temperature and pH conditions. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 28 (1-2): 15-21. 2004 Journal Article Link
61 Habib K. A., M. B. R. Chowdhury and M. A. R. Faruk, 2003. Pathogenicity of three fish parasitic fungi on Silver barb (Barbodes gonionotus). Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 26 (1-2):17-22. 2003 Journal Article Link
62 Habib K. A. and M. B. R. Chowdhury, 2002. Pathogenicity of three fish parasitic fungi isolated from diseased fishes. Journal of Agricultural Education and Technology, 5:69-72. 2002 Journal Article Link
Sl Conferences Year Type Link
1 Habib K. A., M. N. Islam, M. E. Hoque. 2014. Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Tenualosa ilisha Populations in the Bay of Bengal Revealed by the Mitochondrial DNA Control Region Sequence. The Festschrift on the 50th Anniversary of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 79-83 2014 Conference Link
Sl Book Year Type Link
1 Lee Y.H., Nor S.A.M., Yusuf Y., Abidin D.H.Z., Metillo E.B., Habib K.A., Simbolon A.R., Aji L.P., Arifin Z., Pratiwi R., Woo S.P., Tan S.H., Fujita T. 2023. Probing into marine life with DNA barcode in the tropical Indo-Pacfic. UNESCO, Paris, France. 2023 Book Link
2 Hannan M. A., K.A. Habib, A. M. Shahabuddin, M.A. Haque and M. B. Munir. 2022. Post-Harvest Processing, Packaging and Inspection of Frozen Shrimp: A Practical Guide. Springer. 267 pp. 2022 Book Link
3 Habib K. A., M. J. Islam., A. K. Neiogi. 2021. Underwater Citizens of Saint Martin’s Island. Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University. Dhaka. 176 pp. 2021 Book Link
4 Habib, K.A., Kim, C.G., Oh, J., Neogi, A.K., Lee, Y.H. 2017. Aquatic Biodiversity of Sundarbans, Bangladesh. Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST). 394pp 2017 Book Link
5 BFRF 2016. Seed Production and Culture management of Guzi Air (in Bangla). Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2016 Book Link
6 BFRF 2016. Seed Production and Culture management of Gulsha (in Bangla). Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2016 Book Link
7 BFRF 2016. Seed Production and Culture management of Cuchia (in Bangla). Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2016 Book Link
8 Ashrafuzzaman M., M.H. Bhuiyan, M.A.H. Beg, K.A. Habib, A. Khanom, M.M Rahman and K.Z. Hossain. 2012. Textbook of Agricultural Studies (Class- IX-X). National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB), Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2012 Book Link
9 Ashrafuzzaman M., M.H. Bhuiyan, M.A.H. Beg, K.A. Habib, A. Khanom, M.M Rahman and K.Z. Hossain. 2012. Textbook of Agricultural Studies (Class-VIII). National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB), Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2012 Book Link
10 Ashrafuzzaman M., M.H. Bhuiyan, M.A.H. Beg, K.A. Habib, A. Khanom, M.M Rahman and K.Z. Hossain. 2012. Textbook of Agricultural Studies (Class-VII). National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB), Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2012 Book Link
11 Ashrafuzzaman M., M.H. Bhuiyan, M.A.H. Beg, K.A. Habib, A. Khanom, M.M Rahman and K.Z. Hossain. 2012. Textbook of Agricultural Studies (Class-VI). National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB), Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2012 Book Link
Sl Others Year Type
1 Uddin M. K., N. N. Mumu, K.A. Habib, F. K. Nitu, S.M.R. Karim, M.K. Badhan, E.M.K. Siddique and S. Rikon. 2019. Bay of Bengal Literacy: Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts. Voices for Interactive Choice and Empowerment & Earth Journalism Network. http://www.abrlab.org/book/page/2/ 2019 Others


Title Source of Fund Year URL Status
Stock Assessment of Wild Eels in the Sundarbans and Major Harvesting Regions of Bangladesh through Multi-model Inferences and Advanced Molecular Markers Sustainable Forests and livelihoods (SUFAL) Project, Bangladesh Forest Department (BFD) 2023 On-going
Assessing potential of household-level canning methods and integrated solar-sun drier for value addition and effective preservation of suitable marine fish species for small-scale fish processors Sustainable Coastal and Marine Fisheries Project (SCMFP), Department of Fisheries, DoF 2023 On-going
Fish biodiversity assessment using environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding in the climate-focused areas of Bangladesh EcoFish project of, WorldFish Bangladesh 2022 Completed
Assessment of Plastic and other Anthropogenic Debris Pollution in Beach and Marine Habitats with its Prevalence in Fishes of Saint Martin’s Island. Krishi Gobeshona Foundation (KGF) 2022 Completed
Fish diversity and Ecosystem Services of Dubla Island of Sundarbans, Bangladesh.” Serving as Principal Investigator. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST), Bangladesh 2021 Completed
Stock Assessment of Commercially Important Fishes in the Bay of Bengal through Multi-model inferences and Molecular markers: Management policy implications considering the emerging climate change. National Agricultural Technology Program: Phase II (NATP-2) Project of BARC 2020 Completed
Assessing diversity and population structure of mud crab (Scylla olivacea) using mitochondrial DNA marker and bioinformatics tools: implications for conservation and artificial breeding. Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST), Bangladesh 2020 Completed
Cataloging coastal fisheries resources of Bangladesh using DNA barcoding. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI) 2019 Completed
Study of species composition of Elasmobranch fishes of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh using DNA based identification. University Grants Commission (UGC) Bangladesh 2019 Completed
Assessing fish and shellfish species diversity of the Meghna river estuary and connected sea area by DNA barcoding. Ministry of Education (MoE), Bangladesh 2018 Completed
Genetic diversity and population assessment of a heavily fished shark species Rhizoprionodon acutus (Milk Shark) of the Bay of Bengal Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST), Bangladesh 2018 Completed
DNA barcoding and metabarcoding of coral associated fish and zooplankton community of Saint Martin’s Island for effective conservation of marine life. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) 2017 Completed
Enhance the Capacity for Species Identification and Genetic Analysis on Marine Organisms in -the Coral Reef Ecosystems in the Western Pacific” (Phase-II & III: DNA Taxonomy and Recruitment Monitoring of the Coral Reef Marine Organisms, DRMREEF) UNESCO/Korean Funds-in-Trust & WESTPAC 2017 Completed
Strengthening capacity of marine and brackish water biodiversity assessment and conservation in the Sundarbans mangrove forest, a UNESCO world heritage site, Bangladesh. Yeosu Foundation, South Korea 2015 Completed
Development of sustainable cage culture technology for stinging catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) providing bottom mud and substrate inside cage. University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh 2014 Completed
Cage culture of high valued fishes: Shing (Heteropneustes fossilis), Magur (Clarias batrachus), Koi (Anabas testudineus), Tilapia (Oreochromes niloticus) in carp polyculture ponds. Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST), Bangladesh 2011 Completed
Student Degree Year Title Role
Rumana Sultana MS 2021 Morpho-molecular characterization of the Family: Dasyatidae (Stingray) of the Bay Bengal, Bangladesh Supervisor
Parsha Shanjana Brishti MS 2020 Morphological and molecular characterization of marine bivalves (Mollusca: Bivalvia) of Sonadia island, Bangladesh Co-Supervisor
Kazi Sonia Sultana MS 2020 Morpho-molecular characterization of marine moluscs of the order Neogastropoda along the East coast of Bangladesh Supervisor
Shilpi Sarkar MS 2020 Morpho-molecular characterization of crab species of the family Portunidae collected from coastal region of Bangladesh Co-Supervisor
Kashfia Kabir MS 2019 Diversity study of Gastropoda under the family neritidae from Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh through morpho-molecular approaches Supervisor
Tonima Mostafa MS 2019 Diversity study of shrimp of Cox’s Bazar coastal region, Bangladesh through morpho-molecular approaches Supervisor
Kazi Sonia Sultana MS 2019 Morpho-molecular characterization of marine moluscs of the order neogastropoda along the east coast of Bangladesh Supervisor
Tania Siddiqueki MS 2019 Study on the morpho-molecular diversity of fish species of the order Perciformes in Meghna river estuary, Bangladesh Supervisor
Parsha Shanjana Brishti MS 2019 Morphological and molecular characterization of marine bivalves (mollusca: bivalvia) of Sonadia island, Bangladesh Co-Supervisor
Shilpi Sarkar MS 2019 Study on the Portunid Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunidae) from the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh using Morphology and DNA Barcoding Approach Co-Supervisor
Ashfatuzzaman Akhi MS 2017 Morpho-molecular characterization of some teleost fish under the order Perciformes collected from the Sundarbans, Bangladesh Supervisor
Sharmin Akhter MS 2016 Morpho-molecular characterization of crab species and population genetic study of mud crab (Scylla olivacea) of Sundarbans mangrove ecosystem, Bangladesh Co-Supervisor
Jasmin Sathi MS 2016 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Tenualosa ilisha in the Bay of Bengal and Persian Gulf Supervisor
Shilpi Saha MS 2016 Study of Coral Associated Fish using Morphomeristics & DNA Barcoding approach and their Parasites collected from Coral Ecosystem of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh Supervisor
Arefin Rahman MS 2015 Cage culture of stinging catfish Heteropneustes fossilis: effect of introducing mud and plastic pipe substrate inside cage Supervisor
Md. Mahmudul Hasan MS 2014 Growth and Production Performance of Stinging Catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) in Different Cage Conditions Co-Supervisor
Mahatub Khan Badhon MS 2014 Investigations on the production performance of Vietnamese Koi (Anabas testudineus) in cage culture in Bangladesh. Co-Supervisor
Sl Editorial Board Type From To
1 Editor, Journal of Ecology and Natural Resources (https://medwinpublishers.com/JENR/editorial-board.php) Editorial Board 2018 Till date
2 Editor, HSOA Journal of Aquaculture and Fisheries (https://www.heraldopenaccess.us/journals/journal-of-aquaculture-fisheries) Editorial Board 2017 Till date
3 Member, Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology Editorial Board 2007 2008
4 Joint Editor, Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology Editorial Board 2005 2006
Sl Professional Type From To
1 Member, The eDNA Society Professional 2022 Till date
2 Life Member, Bangladesh Zoological Society (ZSB Life Member No: 824) Professional 2017 Till date
3 Treasurer, Executive committee, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (BFRF) Professional 2016 2019
4 Life Member, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (BFRF) Professional 2012 till date
5 Member, Executive committee, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (BFRF) Professional 2012 2015
6 Life Member, Krishibid (Agriculturist) Institution Bangladesh (ID: 06-98-11643) Professional 2006 Till date
Sl Achievements Type Year
1 Best poster award (member of the research team- corresponding author). Session: Fishing technology, Fish processing, Food safety & quality control, Socio-economic & Marketing. International Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference, 2024. 08-09 June 2024; Venue: University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Title of the abstract: ‘Development of ready-to-eat canned fish from hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha): potential for entrepreneurship and export.’ Award 2024
2 Best research award (member of the team- corresponding author). Session 1: Fisheries Biology, Breeding, Genetics & Biotechnology. International Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference, 2024. 08-09 June 2024; Venue: University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Title of the abstract: Genetic Diversity, Population Structure and Demographic History of Orange Mud Crab Scylla olivacea from the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh and Adjacent Seas in the Northern Indian Ocean Inferred from mtDNA Sequence Analysis. Award 2024
3 Best research award. Session-9: Fishing Technology, Processing, Loss Reduction, Innovation, Biosecurity and Quality Management. 3rd Biennial Conference, 2023. Fisheries Society of Bangladesh (FSB). BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Title of the abstract: ‘Development of small-scale ready-to-eat canned fish from hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha): potential for small entrepreneurship and export.’ Award 2023
4 Best oral presentation award. 8th Biennial Fisheries Conference & Research Fair 2019. Organized by Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (BFRF). Title of oral presentation: Assessing aquatic biodiversity of the Sundarbans, Bangladesh through DNA barcoding and metabarcoding. Award 2019
5 Best Poster award (as a team member). 8th Biennial Fisheries Conference & Research Fair. Title of the poster: Addition of thirty-two new records to the marine fish inventory of Bangladesh found off Saint Martin’s Island confirmed by morphometric analysis and DNA barcoding. Award 2019
6 Best poster award (as a team member). 8th Biennial Fisheries Conference & Research Fair. Title of the poster: Diversity assessment of Scleractinian coral with fifteen new records from Saint Martin's Island, Bangladesh. Award 2019
7 Best poster award. 7th Biennial Fisheries Conference & Research Fair 2016. Organized by Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (BFRF) Award 2016
8 Awardee of Young Scientist Support program in Fish Barcode of Life World Conference, Yeosu, Korea Award 2012
9 UST PhD Scholarship Scholarship 2007
10 School Captain (Class IX-X), SOS Hermann Gmeiner College, Dhaka Others 1989.90
11 Best Student Award in class VIII at secondary school level after the end of the academic year 1988., Hermann Gmeiner School and College, Mirpur. Award 1988
1 Collaborator and PI of Bangladesh part, Global analyses of mangrove ecosystem by eDNA metabarcoding. Launched under the JSPS Core to Core Program.
2 Member of Delegation from Bangladesh Government, Thirteenth Intergovernmental Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC-XIII), Virtual, 27-29 April 2021.
3 Member, Curriculum Development Committee. Examination of instructor recruitment for the subject Fisheries. Non-Government Teachers' Registration and Certification Authority. (November 2018).
4 Expert Member, Curriculum Development/Improvement Committee (Diploma in Agriculture), Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2005-2006; 2012-2013; January 2020).
5 Evaluator, Textbook of Agriculture Education (Secondary Education Level), National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB), Dhaka, Bangladesh (2005-2006).
6 Writer, Textbook of Agriculture Education (Fisheries Part) in Secondary Education Level, National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
7 Expert Advisor, Determining the ecosystem boundary of Saint Martin's coral Island of Bangladesh” Funded by Save Our Seas (SOS) and IUCN, Bangladesh.
8 Contributing Member, Development of short-term, mid-term and long-term plan for National Marine Fisheries Resource Development by Department of Fisheries (DoF), Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. (Workshop held on 29.09.2014)
9 Expert Member, Module Development of Training of Teachers Teaching Agriculture Studies of secondary level by BRAC Education Program (22.02.2015 to 26.02.2015)
10 Expert Member, Committee of Identification, Evaluation and Prioritization of Technologies for Biodiversity Conservation in Bangladesh. IUCN Bangladesh.
11 Member, National Technical Committee, ‘Nijhum Dwip’ marine protected area (MPA) establishment, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Bangladesh (Ref: 33.00.0000.; Date: 04.12.2018), Dhaka.
12 Member, National Technical Committee, Assessing the possibility and farming technology of Vannamei shrimp in Bangladesh, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Bangladesh.