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Department Name: Department of Agricultural Statistics

Md. Zakir Hossain
Professor and Chairman

Statistics is a dynamic discipline that aims at the development and application of methodologies for inference and data analysis for science, agriculture, medicine, business and society. The Department is offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses for the students enrolled in this University in all the faculties viz. Agriculture, Agribusiness Management, Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine and Fisheries & Aquaculture. This Department enjoys a vibrant research environment and offers a comprehensive programme of postgraduate degrees in Statistics. The postgraduate program leading to MS degree in Agricultural Statistics was started in the year 2012. At present two undergraduate courses for Agriculture, eighteen courses for Agribusiness Management, two courses for Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine and two courses for Fisheries & Aquaculture are compulsory and also one computer packages course is elective for Agriculture Faculty’s student. The Department is also offering five courses for postgraduate students of different faculties to fulfill the needs of individual program. The department has a modern computer laboratory where computer based training program are frequently arranged. Department are committed to provide students with excellent training and a broad education in Statistics.